Easing functions specify the rate of change of a parameter over time.

Objects in real life don’t just start and stop instantly, and almost never move at a constant speed. When we open a drawer, we first move it quickly, and slow it down as it comes out. Drop something on the floor, and it will first accelerate downwards, and then bounce back up after hitting the floor.

This page helps you choose the right easing function.


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  • easeInSine

  • easeOutSine

  • easeInOutSine

  • easeInQuad

  • easeOutQuad

  • easeInOutQuad

  • easeInCubic

  • easeOutCubic

  • easeInOutCubic

  • easeInQuart

  • easeOutQuart

  • easeInOutQuart

  • easeInQuint

  • easeOutQuint

  • easeInOutQuint

  • easeInExpo

  • easeOutExpo

  • easeInOutExpo

  • easeInCirc

  • easeOutCirc

  • easeInOutCirc

  • easeInBack

  • easeOutBack

  • easeInOutBack


  • easeInElastic

  • easeOutElastic

  • easeInOutElastic

  • easeInBounce

  • easeOutBounce

  • easeInOutBounce


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function. Unfortunately, they don’t support all easings and you must specify the desired easing function yourself (as a Bezier curve).

Select an easing function to show its Bezier curve notation.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms easing’s Bezier curve;
  transition:         all 600ms easing’s Bezier curve; }


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easing name)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easing name', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.47, 0, 0.745, 0.715);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.47, 0, 0.745, 0.715); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeInSine)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInSine', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeOutSine)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeOutSine', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.445, 0.05, 0.55, 0.95);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.445, 0.05, 0.55, 0.95); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeInOutSine)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInOutSine', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.085, 0.68, 0.53);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.085, 0.68, 0.53); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeInQuad)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInQuad', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeOutQuad)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeOutQuad', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.455, 0.03, 0.515, 0.955);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.455, 0.03, 0.515, 0.955); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeInOutQuad)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInOutQuad', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.055, 0.675, 0.19);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.055, 0.675, 0.19); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeInCubic)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInCubic', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeOutCubic)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeOutCubic', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeInOutCubic)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInOutCubic', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.895, 0.03, 0.685, 0.22);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.895, 0.03, 0.685, 0.22); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeInQuart)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInQuart', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeOutQuart)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeOutQuart', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.77, 0, 0.175, 1);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.77, 0, 0.175, 1); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeInOutQuart)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInOutQuart', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.05, 0.855, 0.06);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.05, 0.855, 0.06); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeInQuint)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInQuint', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeOutQuint)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeOutQuint', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.86, 0, 0.07, 1);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.86, 0, 0.07, 1); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeInOutQuint)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInOutQuint', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.95, 0.05, 0.795, 0.035);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.95, 0.05, 0.795, 0.035); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeInExpo)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInExpo', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.19, 1, 0.22, 1);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.19, 1, 0.22, 1); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeOutExpo)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeOutExpo', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(1, 0, 0, 1);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(1, 0, 0, 1); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeInOutExpo)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInOutExpo', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.6, 0.04, 0.98, 0.335);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.6, 0.04, 0.98, 0.335); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeInCirc)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInCirc', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeOutCirc)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeOutCirc', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.785, 0.135, 0.15, 0.86);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.785, 0.135, 0.15, 0.86); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeInOutCirc)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInOutCirc', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.6, -0.28, 0.735, 0.045);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.6, -0.28, 0.735, 0.045); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeInBack)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInBack', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeOutBack)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeOutBack', function () { … })
All easings


x t


CSS properties transition and animation allow you to pick the easing function.

div {
  -webkit-transition: all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.68, -0.55, 0.265, 1.55);
  transition:         all 600ms cubic-bezier(0.68, -0.55, 0.265, 1.55); }

Edit on cubic-bezier.com.


Sass/SCSS can describe animations too! Compass removes prefixes before the transition and animation properties, and the Compass Ceaser plugin lets you pass the easing function by name (without specifying the exact Bezier curves).

div {
  @include transition(all 600ms ceaser($easeInOutBack)); }


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInOutBack', function () { … })
All easings


x t


Not supported in CSS. But you can use in JS or write it out with the CSS Animation @keyframes.


Not supported in CSS. But you can use in JS or write it out with the CSS Animation @keyframes.


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInElastic', function () { … })
All easings


x t


Not supported in CSS. But you can use in JS or write it out with the CSS Animation @keyframes.


Not supported in CSS. But you can use in JS or write it out with the CSS Animation @keyframes.


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeOutElastic', function () { … })
All easings


x t


Not supported in CSS. But you can use in JS or write it out with the CSS Animation @keyframes.


Not supported in CSS. But you can use in JS or write it out with the CSS Animation @keyframes.


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInOutElastic', function () { … })
All easings


x t


Not supported in CSS. But you can use in JS or write it out with the CSS Animation @keyframes.


Not supported in CSS. But you can use in JS or write it out with the CSS Animation @keyframes.


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInBounce', function () { … })
All easings


x t


Not supported in CSS. But you can use in JS or write it out with the CSS Animation @keyframes.


Not supported in CSS. But you can use in JS or write it out with the CSS Animation @keyframes.


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeOutBounce', function () { … })
All easings


x t


Not supported in CSS. But you can use in JS or write it out with the CSS Animation @keyframes.


Not supported in CSS. But you can use in JS or write it out with the CSS Animation @keyframes.


jQuery with the jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. Pass the easing name (like easeInCirc) to the .animate() function as the third argument, or use it as the value of the easing option.

div.animate({ top: '-=100px' }, 600, 'easeInOutBounce', function () { … })
  meta charset="UTF-8"
  title= title
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