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默认分类 2014/04/09 23:52

一直很喜欢restify的轻量级,只是不支持all的方法,又不想像引入express(不想要模版引擎), 于是决定深入研究一下restify的源码,发现只需要简单改几行就可以


// Register all the routing methods
 * Mounts a chain on the given path against this HTTP verb
 * @param {Object} options the URL to handle, at minimum.
 * @return {Route} the newly created route.
    'all' /*haiyang*/
].forEach(function (method) {
        Server.prototype[method] = function (opts) {
            if (opts instanceof RegExp || typeof (opts) === 'string') {
                opts = {
                    path: opts
            } else if (typeof (opts) === 'object') {
                opts = shallowCopy(opts);
            } else {
                throw new TypeError('path (string) required');


// A list of methods to routes
this.routes = {
    DELETE: [],
    GET: [],
    HEAD: [],
    OPTIONS: [],
    PATCH: [],
    POST: [],
    PUT: [],
    ALL: [] /*haiyang*/


Router.prototype.find = function find(req, res, callback) {
var candidates = [];
var ct = req.headers['content-type'] || DEF_CT;
var cacheKey = req.method + req.url + req.version() + ct;
var cacheVal;
var neg;
var params;
var r;
var reverse;
var routes = (this.routes['ALL']||[]).concat(this.routes[req.method] || []); /*haiyang*/
var typed;
var versioned;

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