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默认分类 2014/05/31 06:38

上一篇说到要修改JSLint的一些配置,如缩进indent, 找了半天找到一个

    // jslint 
    "jslint_options": "--browser --node --indent 4 --predef YUI",

    // run on save
    "run_on_save": true,

    // debug flag.
    "debug": true

试了下没什么效果, 最后找到下面这篇文章https://github.com/janraasch/Sublime-JSLint , 最后终于修改成功,保存,重启,生效.

    // an array of options to pass to jslint, e.g.
    // ["--white", "--vars"] or maybe ["--indent", "2", "--node", "false"]
    // see https://github.com/reid/node-jslint
    // or http://www.jslint.com/lint.html#options.
    "options" : [

        // assume node.js to predefine node globals,
        // defaults to true in `node-jslint`.
        "--node", "false"

        // ES5 syntax should be allowed,
        // defaults to true in `node-jslint`.
        ,"--es5", "false"

        // tolerate missing 'use strict' pragma
        // do not use this pragma unless you know what you are doing.
        // ,"--sloppy"

        // suggest an indent level of two spaces.
        ,"--indent", "4"

        // tolerate unfiltered for in.
        // ,"--forin"

        // tolerate dangling _ in identifiers.
        // ,"--nomen"

        // tolerate many var statements per function.
        // ,"--vars"

        // tolerate ++ and --.
        // ,"--plusplus"

        // tolerate stupidity.
        // ,"--stupid"


    // if true, run jslint on save.
    ,"run_on_save" : true

    // a regex string to determine whether jslint
    // should be run on a file.
    // if a match is found (i.e. re.search(filename_filter, filename)),
    // the file will be linted.
    ,"filename_filter": "(\\.js)$"

    // jslint command you want to run as an array of strings.
    // E.g.: ["jslint"] or ["/usr/local/bin/jslint"] or ["node", "mylinter.js"]
    // Default is
    //    * Linux: ["node", "~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/JSLint/node_modules/jslint/bin/jslint"]
    //    * Mac: ["node", "~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/JSLint/node_modules/jslint/bin/jslint"]
    //    * Windows: ["node", "%APPDATA%/Sublime Text 2/Packages/JSLint/node_modules/jslint/bin/jslint"]
    // using node-jslint v0.1.9. https://github.com/reid/node-jslint/tree/v0.1.9

    // ,"jslint" : ["jslint"]

    // if your own personal choice of jslint has an output
    // different from the standard which comes with this package,
    // you may have to change line_regex and file_regex
    // check http://docs.sublimetext.info/en/latest/reference/build_systems.html
    // to find out how these regular expressions work. The defaults are:

    // ,"line_regex" : ".*// Line ([0-9]*), Pos ([0-9]*)$"
    // ,"file_regex" : "(^[^# ]+.*$)"

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