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Chrome extension manifest_version 3 webRequestBlocking declarativenetrequest urlfilter (*, |, ||, and ^) Syntax

默认分类 2022/04/11 16:01



I try to use declarativeNetRequest to instead of webRequestBlocking.

In manifest.json

"manifest_version": 3,
"permissions": [

In background.js or devtool.js

  addRules: [{
    'id': 1001,
    'priority': 1,
    'action': {
      'type': 'block'
    'condition': {
      'urlFilter': 'twitter.com',
      'resourceTypes': [
        'csp_report', 'font', 'image', 'main_frame', 'media', 'object', 'other', 'ping', 'script',
        'stylesheet', 'sub_frame', 'webbundle', 'websocket', 'webtransport', 'xmlhttprequest'
  removeRuleIds: [1001]


Are you currently using the blocking version of chrome.webRequest?

This API is replaced by declarativeNetRequest in Manifest V3.

This only applies to user-installed extensions; force installed extensions (extensions distributed using ExtensionInstallForcelist). These extensions — typically used in an enterprise setting — can still use the blocking version of chrome.webRequest.


urlFilterMatchesDoes not match

urlFilter string optional

The pattern which is matched against the network request url. Supported constructs:

'*' : Wildcard: Matches any number of characters.
'|' : Left/right anchor: If used at either end of the pattern, specifies the beginning/end of the url respectively.
'||' : Domain name anchor: If used at the beginning of the pattern, specifies the start of a (sub-)domain of the URL.
'^' : Separator character: This matches anything except a letter, a digit or one of the following: _ - . %. 
This can also match the end of the URL.

Therefore urlFilter is composed of the following parts: (optional Left/Domain name anchor) + pattern + (optional Right anchor).

If omitted, all urls are matched. An empty string is not allowed.

A pattern beginning with ||* is not allowed. Use * instead.

Note: Only one of urlFilter or regexFilter can be specified.

Note: The urlFilter must be composed of only ASCII characters. This is matched against a url where the host is encoded in the punycode format (in case of internationalized domains) and any other non-ascii characters are url encoded in utf-8. For example, when the request url is http://abc.рф?q=ф, the urlFilter will be matched against the url http://abc.xn--p1ai/?q=%D1%84.


string optional

Regular expression to match against the network request url. This follows the RE2 syntax.

Note: Only one of urlFilter or regexFilter can be specified.

Note: The regexFilter must be composed of only ASCII characters. This is matched against a url where the host is encoded in the punycode format (in case of internationalized domains) and any other non-ascii characters are url encoded in utf-8.


    "id": 7,
    "priority": 1,
    "action": {
      "type": "redirect",
      "redirect": {
        "regexSubstitution": "https://\\1.xyz.com/"
    "condition": {
      "regexFilter": "^https://www\\.(abc|def)\\.xyz\\.com/",
      "resourceTypes": [

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